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With the continuous improvement of people’s safety awareness

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With the increasing awareness of safety, many enterprises and manufacturers have started to pay attention to the safety and portability of industrial products, including eye protection equipment. In response to possible accidents such as chemical splashes and thermal burns in industrial sites, industrial portable eyewashers have emerged as one of the indispensable protective equipment in the industrial field. This article will introduce the basic technology and production process of industrial portable eyewashers.


1.Basic technology of industrial portable eyewashers


(1)Capacity and water pressure control technology: Having sufficient water storage capacity and reasonable water pressure control technology is the foundation for ensuring quick and effective eyewashing of industrial portable eyewashers. Generally speaking, the model and capacity of eyewashers should be selected according to the safety requirements of the manufacturer and the actual situation of the enterprise. At the same time, eyewashers need sufficient water pressure to thoroughly clean the eyes. Therefore, eyewashers should use water flows with sufficient pressure to ensure the best emulsification effect.


(2). Environmental protection and energy-saving technology: With the constant improvement of people’s environmental awareness, energy conservation and environmental protection have become necessary requirements in various fields.


(3)Anti violent and anti freezing technology: In some special environments, such as cold winters and popular parade events, industrial portable eye washers also need to have anti violent and anti freezing technology. Anti violence refers to preventing malicious behavior such as human sabotage from harming eye washers, while anti freezing refers to the possibility of freezing after leaving the factory. Therefore, eye washers also need to have anti freezing and anti violent technology to ensure effective eye washing in harsh environments.


  1. The production process of industrial portable eye wash equipment


(1) Plastic production: Firstly, the plastic shell and fittings required for the portable eye washer need to be produced through plastic injection molding technology.

(2) Water tank assembly: As the eye washer needs to store water, the plastic shell and other components need to be assembled into a water tank with a certain capacity, and equipped with suitable water outlet and inlet.

(3) Filter installation: A high-efficiency filter can be installed at the inlet to filter out impurities in the water and prevent water scale and other pollutants from clogging the water outlet.


(4)Water pressure adjustment: To ensure appropriate water pressure, some regulating valves can be added between the water tank and water outlet to regulate water flow rationally.


(5)Nozzle production: The nozzle is a key component of the portable eye washer and needs to have suitable water spray effect.

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