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Selection skills of eye washers (II)

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Second: Depending on the local winter temperature

Except in South China, the weather below 0℃ will occur in other regions in winter, so there will be water in the eye wash, which will freeze and affect the normal use of the eye wash.

To solve the problem of water in the eye wash, it is necessary to use an antifreeze type eye wash, electric heat tracing eye wash, or electric heating eye wash.

1. The antifreeze type eye wash can empty the water in the whole eye wash after the use of the eye wash or when the eye wash is in standby state. There are automatic empties and manual empties for antifreeze eye washers. Under normal circumstances, automatic empties are used.

For East China, Central China and Southwest China, the underground frozen soil layer in winter is generally 20-30 cm. The water inlet pipe can be insulated to prevent the water from freezing in the water inlet pipe. The above ground automatic emptying antifreeze type eye wash can be used. The eye wash can automatically drain the water in the entire eye wash to prevent freezing.

For northeast China, North China and northwest China, the underground frozen soil layer in winter is generally 50-190 cm, the use of above-ground antifreeze type eye wash is obviously unable to solve the problem of water antifreeze, must use buried automatic emptying antifreeze type eye wash.

The antifreeze valve is placed under the frozen soil layer of the eye washer, and the water intake and drainage of the eye washer are controlled by a switch on the ground. The eye washer can automatically empty the water in the entire eye washer and the water intake pipe under the ground to prevent icing.

2. In areas where freezing can be prevented and water temperature can be raised, electric heat tracing eye wash or electric heating eye wash should be used

The electric heat tracing eye wash device is heated by the electric tracing tropical zone, so that the water inside the eye wash device will not freeze, which can improve the water temperature of the eye wash to a limited extent, but it cannot improve the water temperature of the spray. (Note: Flow rate of eye wash is 12-18 L/min; Spray 120-180 L/min)

Electric heating eye wash using electric heating system heating, so that the water inside the eye wash will not freeze, can improve the water temperature of the eye wash and spray.


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