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Home / Corporate News / In which areas of the business are emergency spray and eye wash devices normally located? (4)

In which areas of the business are emergency spray and eye wash devices normally located? (4)

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In HG 20571-2014 Safety and Health Design Code for Chemical Enterprises

5.6.5 For workplaces with chemical burn hazards, safety protection measures such as eye washers and shower washers shall be designed. The service radius of the shower washers and shower washers shall not be greater than 15m. The water quality of the washing water of the shower and eye wash shall conform to the provisions of the current national standard “Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water” GB5749, and the water supply shall be uninterrupted; The drainage of the shower and eye wash shall be incorporated into the factory sewage network, and an ambulance shall be set up in a safe position in the installation area. Staff shall be equipped with necessary personal protective equipment.


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