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Home / Corporate News / In which areas of the business are emergency spray and eye wash devices normally located? (3)

In which areas of the business are emergency spray and eye wash devices normally located? (3)

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In SH 3047-93 Design Code for Occupational Safety and Health in Petrochemical Enterprises

4.4.2 A special safety room shall be set up near the device control room, which shall be equipped with safety protective clothing, neutralization pool, personal flushing facilities, eye wash, emergency medicine, etc.

4.4.3 Near the feed pump, reflux pump and feed pump of the main fractionation tower, the personal neutralization pool, accident shower and eye wash shall be set up. Equipment tools and neutralization pools shall be provided in the device.

5.7.10 The phenol and acetone filling plant should be mechanically ventilated, and the phenol filling bucket should be equipped with accident shower and eye wash.

5.10.1 Equipment containing hydrogen fluoride materials shall be centrally arranged in one area, and cofferdams and obvious safety signs shall be set up around them. There shall be a personal neutralization pool, equipment and tools neutralization pool, personal flushing facilities and eye washers in the area.

5.10.5 The device shall be equipped with a special safety room, which is equipped with a neutralizing pool, shower, eye wash, safety protective clothing and emergency medicine kit.


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